New Scientific Breakthroughs for a More Passionate and Emotionally Healthy Marriage
By Dr. Earl Henslin
Make your marriage the best it can be by learning the secrets of proactive passion.
Using the latest in brain research, This Is Your Brain in Love helps couples become Master Level Lovers by encouraging each mate to bring their healthiest, most balanced and joyful self to their marriage.
Dr. Henslin speaks to the vital connection between spirituality and sexuality. He identifies the five types of lovers, with ground-breaking insights and effective solutions for the challenges presented by each:
Scattered Lover
Over-focused Lover
Blue Mood Lover
Agitated Lover
Anxious Lover
Filled with relatable stories and humor, this is not your boring brain book! Engaging and practical, Dr. Henslin provides an amazingly accurate, scientifically-based brain test to help spot typical brain imbalances. (And yes, most everyone has at least one!)
Bonus material offers brain-researched strategies and new hope for women dealing with hormones and men struggling with sexual addictions.
I have to admit, that the title of this book is what caught my eye. My brain in love.....really. Who knew. But really, it's true. The "heart" we always say is the seat of our emotions and our feelings, but it really is in our brains. Can you imagine saying to the one you love...."I love you with all of my brain!!!" Sounds funny doesn't it. I wouldn't say it. Heart sounds so much better, but in this book Dr. Henslin explains how the brain is really where our feelings come from. He uses medical knowledge to explain how and why. Sometimes the medical jargon can be a little hard to follow, but he does make it easy for the layman to understand what he is saying. I like how the author has taken examples from patients he has counseled and from his own life to make his points a little clearer to understand.
The tests that are at the beginning of the chapters are interesting and are nothing like I have come across before - they really are not your typical "personality" tests :). Also at the end of each chapter when the author is describing each type of lover, he gives natural options for dealing with the "issues" that each type of "brain lover" has. Which is great. Who wants to take meds when instead you can take some fish oil and exercise!!! Now, don't get me wrong, taking meds, if you need them, is fine and you should. But if you can do things natural first, why not try it out.
I have enjoyed this book and if I continue to say anymore, I will be writing a short book of my own, so I would recommend this book. Actually, I have a friend right now waiting to read it!!!
I have recieved this book for free from Thomas Nelson thru their Booksneeze program.
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