Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Least Among You (DVD)

The Least Among You, starring Louis Gossett, Jr., relates the true story of a young black man, Richard Kelly (Cedric Sanders), who is arrested during race riots in the 1960s and as a result finds himself enrolled in an all-white seminary according to the terms of his probation. Although the seminary president (William Devane)--for political reasons--encourages Kelly to take a leadership role at the school, Kelly faces hostility from his classmates and professors. Only when Kelly forges a relationship with the older black custodian of the school, Samuel Benton (Louis Gosset, Jr.), does Kelly begin to develop the spiritual depth required for him to truly step out in leadership at the seminary.

As I am an avid DVD watcher, I was looking forward to receiving and watching this DVD. And watch I did the weekend after I got it. The movie was ok. I found the movie to be dragging and somewhat boring. I was shocked when the main character cursed in the reference that he did. I was almost ready to turn the movie off then because I was expecting that it being a family approved movie and from Thomas Nelson, that I would not hear any cursing. The acting was good. I loved watching Louis Gosset Jr. He was wonderful. Lauren Holly....she is good. The movie is not one that I would watch again and to me a movie that I would watch again...and maybe again is a good movie. The soundtrack left something to be desired and it I found the movie to be "dark" as in the actual lighting of the film. I would not recommend this movie to anyone else and especially not to anyone who wants to watch this as a family.
Really, do you need cursing in a movie...even if it is ONE word....come on!!!

This movie was given to me by Thomas Nelson and I have recieved no monetary gain for my review.

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